November 2015

The Energy Revolution: Budgeting Carbon for the Climate

November 30, 2015

Climate change requires urgent action. According to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), the planet has a carbon budget of 1,000 gigatonnes (Gt) of CO2 starting from now. If we want to avoid the worst impacts of climate change, we have to stay within this budget.

Net metering is not a subsidy

November 24, 2015

CONTRARY TO UTILITY ASSERTIONS, net metering is not a subsidy.  It’s mechanism  that allows solar owners to receive credit, similar to rollover minutes on a cell phone plan, for power they feed into the grid.

Talking to our Elected Leaders about Solar

November 21, 2015
A number of folks have asked - What do I say to my representatives when they aren't sure whose numbers to trust, utility numbers or the solar industry numbers? 

You might remind your rep that the legislature formed a net metering task force that commissioned an independent study of the costs and benefits of solar.  That independent assessment concluded that for every dollar invested in solar, solar provided $2.20 to $2.70 in benefits to the commonwealth at large. 

Senate saves solar from House bill, but net metering caps remain in place

November 20, 2015

The legislature adjourned on Wednesday evening without agreeing to compromise solar legislation.  This is both good news and bad news. The good news is that the extreme policy measures in the House bill won’t become law any time soon.  The bad news is that net metering caps remain in place and will continue to prevent projects from moving forward in

Shocking Solar Bill Would Kill Massachusetts Solar Industry

November 17, 2015

The Massachusetts House passed a solar energy bill (H.3854/S.1979) tonight that will effectively eliminate the Massachusetts solar industry. It is now up to the Senate to suggest an alternate path that will support a vibrant solar economy. 

MassSolar strongly opposes the bill passed by the House and is working with legislators in the House and Senate to develop alternative solar policies that would foster the long-term, vibrant growth of solar in the Commonwealth.

House Bill 3854 / Senate Bill 1979

State House solar rally draws big crowd

November 17, 2015

Around 150 solar advocates converged on the State House asking state lawmakers to eliminate net metering caps in Massachusetts. Speakers from MassSolar, Environment Massachusetts, Vote Solar and the IBEW local 103 joined solar business owners on the steps before bringing their message inside.